Leesgroep Femina Libera: The First woman van Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

Femina Libera is de leesgroep feminisme van De Groene Waterman en wordt georganiseerd door Edith Kassiers , Katrien en Hanne.

Iedereen is welkom om deel te nemen, voorkennis is niet vereist!

A dazzling feminist coming of age tale from the award-winning author of Kintu.

For one young girl, discovering what it means to become a woman in a family, a community and a country determined to silence her will take all the courage she has. Growing up in a small Ugandan village, Kirabo is surrounded by powerful women. Her grandmother, her aunts, her friends and cousins are all desperate for her to conform, but Kirabo is inquisitive, headstrong and determined. Up until now, she has been perfectly content with her life at the heart of this prosperous extended family, but as she enters her teenage years, she begins to feel the absence of the mother she has never known. The First Woman follows Kirabo on her journey to becoming a young woman and finding her place in the world, as her country is transformed by the bloody dictatorship of Idi Amin. Jennifer Makumbi has written a sweeping tale of longing and rebellion, at once epic and deeply personal, steeped in an intoxicating mix of ancient Ugandan folklore and modern feminism, that will linger in the memory long after the final page.

Praktische informatie:

- Woensdag 27 november van 19.30 tot 21.30 u.
- Deelname is gratis, vrije bijdrage wordt gewaardeerd
- Inschrijven verplicht via knop bovenaan of mail naar groenewaterman@groenewaterman.be. Per bijeenkomst apart inschrijven.

Leesgroep Femina Libera: The First woman van Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
27 nov. 2024
Boekhandel De Groene Waterman
Boekhandel De Groene Waterman
Wolstraat 7, Antwerpen